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Tag: New Glarus

Blues, Brews, and Food Truck Fest

Blues, Brews, and Food Truck Fest

We’re elated to be part of the New Glarus Blues, Brews, and Food Truck Fest on 6/29. Here’s the official blurb about the event:

Jimmy Voegeli, Steve Jones and the New Glarus Chamber are bringing the New Glarus Blues, Brews & Food Truck Festival back for it’s second year. Madtown Mannish Boys open the day at Noon and at 2 PM is The Jimmys! Then at 4 PM they have Doug Deming and the Jewel Tones and at 6 PM it’s the Braille Blues Daddy himself, Bryan Lee! Wheatbread Johnson appears between acts. New Glarus Brewing Company beers, a fantastic assortment of food trucks and a free festival make this very attractive! The event is free to the public. Jam at Toffler’s post fest with Madtown Mannish Boys and more at 8 PM!

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